Aiden can walk!!!!! Yes you read that right, the Prince is taking MAJOR steps on his own. Not the 2 or 3 steps he has been doing since his birthday, but walking across rooms!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Good thing Paul put the gates up with week. We are super excited and I (Mommy) am getting myself ready for the demolition that is to come now that he can
Once Paul finds that Flip camera that he has misplaced I will update this post with some video!!!!
I also wanted to update you on Aiden's vocabulary!!! He is just a talking away. And I KNOW that he thinks that he is talking just like Mommy and Daddy. So this is what he can say so far
Daddy, Dad, Dada
Mom, Mum Mum, Mama, Aja (working on eliminating that one from the vocabulary)
2Pac, Pac
Pac Down (and he points his finger down like Daddy)
2Pac sit down!!! (and he says it with such
Thank you...yes our baby is a gentleman in the making!!!
Uh Oh
Yes, Yeah
bye bye
I am sure there are some words that I am missing bot those are the ones that he uses DAILY!!!! Be on the look out for that video!!!!!