So I am REALLY late doing this post. Aiden and I went to Minnesota on the 3rd of February and then Paul joined us on the 5th. Aiden was good on the plan as usual...because I book the flight around his nap times) and was right at home at Auntie Talia's house. The first couple days were all about Aiden and Garyson hanging out together and they were too cute. It was like they had never been apart!! We spent an evening at my Dad's house with the boys an they had a ball!!!!
Paul was very hesitant about going to Minnesota because he is afraid of the cold, but he manned up and tackled the 30 degree weather (which is not cold by we northerners standards). Once Paul arrived we went to see my Grandfather so they could meet outside of all the birthday party madness and they hit it off!!!! Whew, what a relief!!!! Aiden was his normal exploratory self at Grandpas house. Then we went back to Natalia's house where we picked her up and went to dinner with my Godfather at my favorite restaurant...Redstone!!!! What fun!!!!
Saturday was the day of the big 87th party for my Grandfather. We were over there ALL DAY and it was wonderful. There were 3 of his 6 children, 10 of his numerous grandchildren, and 20 of his numerous great grandchildren present!!!! Needless to say that Aiden had plenty of kids to keep him occupied!!! He had too much fun and everyone enjoyed seeing him.
So here are a few of the TONS of pics that we took over the 5 day trip.
This was the first plane ride that Paul and Aiden took together...Paul slept through most of it but enjoyed the joys of an active 17 month old for the last 30 minutes or so.