Mommy had my little brother on May 18th and we have been so busy that posting pictures has fallen off!!! Here are some pictures from the Kite Festival that Mommy, Daddy, Granna, Cousin Jareen, Cousin Kailah, Cousin Jason, and I went to on May 15th right before Noah arrived!!! It was so much fun. We made our own kites then played in the fountain at the park!!!! Then we went to our favorite Mexican Spot, The
Blue Frog Cantina, in East Atlanta. It was a GREAT day!!!

Mommy and Daddy had just arrived...they went on a date before meeting up with us!!!

Cousin Jason getting some camera

The water felt so good on our feet...we didn't know we were not suppose to have our feet in the water!!!

I thought that they were trying to take me away from the water...little did I know that they were getting me READY for the water!!

So how does this work????

Oh!!! That is how it works...

Man this water is cold!!!

I LOVE MY MOMMY!!!! And I thought she needed to be cooled down a little...

Where to begin???

I followed this truck around...I love trucks. I followed it and kept saying truck truck truck

Cousin Jareen, Granna and Mommy...oh and Noah in Mommy's belly!!!

MAN that is

There was a guy spray painting this in East Atlanta when we arrived...Daddy thought it was cool!

Mommy and Granna

Cousin Jareen, Jason and Kailah

My Daddy!!! He is the coolest...where did you think I got my swag from???

I love to laugh!!!

And to top it all off I got a cookie!!! Well actually I stole this cookie that Mommy had bought for