Lubby and Bob-Bob were in town and I got to stay over night with them at Auntie Katt's house. While I was there I got to play with my little cousin Asia...I was practicing being a big brother. I had to much fun...when Mommy and Daddy came to get me I was more interested in just staying over there and hanging out!!!
Hey Asia...remember me from Thanksgiving???You are so pretty...I know you remember me... Bob-Bob and I were wore OUT!!!!Man I LOVED this thing...Mommy and Daddy need to get me one this summer!!!!Lubby took me on a nice long stroll around the neighborhood in this wagon...I was relaxing!!!!
This weekend was action packed!!!! First on Saturday Daddy, Mommy and I went to Granna's house for her 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt!!! Mommy had gotten me the coolest Elmo basket but I didn't know what it was for until we went to Granna's. There were lots of kids there but I just hung out with Daddy...I was kinda sleepy. But when it came time to find eggs Mommy showed me how and I found TONS of was fun putting them in my Elmo basket!!!
Then yesterday after Palm Sunday Mass Daddy and I went to GrandPaul's office so Daddy could fix something and my favorite Uncle was there!!!!! I took a quick nap but then Daddy, Uncle Travis and I went and hung out at Stats and watched some Basketball!!! We were there ALL afternoon. It was so fun!!!! When we got home I took a shower with Daddy and went right to bed!! I was super tired.
Here are some pictures from each day...enjoy!!!!
And these are from the Boys Day out....
I didn't do that!!!! Well maybe I did... What Dad? It is my drink!!!Uncle is showing me how to use his iPhone...Hello french fry...I am going to eat you now...I think I will just chill out in VIP for a little while...
Today Daddy, Mommy and I had a FULL day of fun. It was really pretty outside so we took full advantage of it. First we went to the Children's Museum where I had loads of fun, then we went across the street to the playground at Centennial Park, had lunch, then we walked over to the Ga. World Congress Center where we enjoyed the car show!!! It was a LONG day and I didn't get to take a nap but I was a trooper...I did finally fall asleep at the end of the car show, but I enjoyed everything else like the big boy that I am!!!
For once Mommy was the one taking all the pictures and Daddy said she did a great job capturing all of the fun moments. So here are a few of the many pictures...enjoy!!!!