Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Such a Big Boy

Aiden has been growing up rapidly before our eyes...and I (Mommy)thinks it is because he knows that there is another baby coming. Last week I decided I wanted to see how long it would take him to go to sleep (cry himself to sleep) without any rocking or coaxing. Well I put him in the crib after telling him night night and giving him a kiss. He never cried a tear...he talked in the crib for about 10 minutes then just went to sleep!!!! I though well maybe that was a once in a lifetime I tried it each night since and he has done the same!!!!! WHAAAATTTT!!!! When did my baby grow up into a big boy?????

So last night Paul decided to take a picture of him sleeping. IT was funny because he stands up in the crib until he is ready to lay down and for the first time he was holding onto his blanket and his sippy cup. So when he laid down he still have the blanket in one hand and sippy cup in the other. He is so funny. But here is the shot below...I just want to kiss all over those cheeks!!!!

1 comment:

Chef E said...

Oh you guys, he is so cute. I sent this link to my childhood girlfriend in Texas, cause I am not sure I told you I am a southern girl, her grandson is named Aiden!

The potty post is too funny...