Tonight at 10:13pm will mark the start of the 8th month of me being blessed with you in my life. In the past 8 months you have changed immensely. You have been a happy baby from day one and that has not changes at all. You wake up smiling and continue that beautiful two tooth smile for the whole day.
I think that any day now you are going to say Mama...but maybe that is wishful thinking. No more new words lately but I know that once you start talking...there is going to be no shutting you up (you will get that lovely trait from your mommy). You can now wave bye bye and it is the cutest thing EVER!!!! AND you want to walk more than anything. We will see if you get that down before we go to Hilton Head...your GrandPaul and Great Gran would just love that!!!
Lots happened in your 7th month. You got sick TWICE and one of those sicknesses was your first ear infection. Mommy and Daddy hate it when you are sick but you are the ultimate trooper. You are still not sleeping through the night...which means that Mommy is not sleeping through the night either...but that is okay. When you are ready you will do it on your own. You also went on your second airplane ride this past month...back to Minnesota. You got to meet some of your tons of cousins.
Month 8 will be just as busy, but you like being busy just as much as Mommy does. I enjoy every day that I get to wake up next to you. Soon you will be 1 year old (Mommy will be beginning the planning of that event soon) and an official big boy. I hope that you don't grow up too fast because I am trying to cherish every day with you knowing how blessed I am to have you.
I love you high as the sky and deep as the sea,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
First Ear Infection
This is Mommy blogging today....Aiden got his first ear infection on our way back from Minnesota. He had a fever for a couple days when we got back from Minnesota...when it peaked at 103 it was time to go to the doctor. And he definitely had an ear infection...AND allergies...which is no surprise to me since I am allergic to everything. When we went to the doctor on the 15th he weighed 20.1lbs. Today when we went for a check up he weighs 21.3lbs...he gained more than a pound in a week!!!!! But he takes being sick like a trooper...he just is super sleepy. Still the very active
I have not posted an update in a while. But as you have seen from the pictures and videos Aiden is trying to be a big boy. He is pulling himself up to standing on anything he can get his hands on...and he finally figured out how to squat to sitting rather than falling While we were in Minnesota he started walking around furniture...and today he took both hands off what he was holding on to and stood up with no assistance for like 4 seconds!!!! I can't take it...he is growing up way to fast. He crawls so is hard to keep up with him...I cant imagine what it is going to be like when he starts walking.
Aiden has a SUPER busy month of May. He will be going to Tennessee twice this month and later he will be off to Hilton Head for the first week of June. He will get to see the beach AND get in a pool for the first time!!! Oh...AND his GUT will be moving back to Atlanta the second week of May!!!! What an exciting month!!! Well...until next time...
I have not posted an update in a while. But as you have seen from the pictures and videos Aiden is trying to be a big boy. He is pulling himself up to standing on anything he can get his hands on...and he finally figured out how to squat to sitting rather than falling While we were in Minnesota he started walking around furniture...and today he took both hands off what he was holding on to and stood up with no assistance for like 4 seconds!!!! I can't take it...he is growing up way to fast. He crawls so is hard to keep up with him...I cant imagine what it is going to be like when he starts walking.
Aiden has a SUPER busy month of May. He will be going to Tennessee twice this month and later he will be off to Hilton Head for the first week of June. He will get to see the beach AND get in a pool for the first time!!! Oh...AND his GUT will be moving back to Atlanta the second week of May!!!! What an exciting month!!! Well...until next time...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
A Beautiful Saturday!!!
Today it was really nice outside. Mommy was really sleepy so she took a nap, and I hung out with Daddy for a while. When she woke up she put me in some cooler clothes and this weird hat and we went outside and played in the grass!!!! It was so fun!!!
"Mommy...are you serious with this hat?"
"Here Pacee Pac..."
"Pac...what is all that stuff on you...let me see..."
No people your eyes are not deceiving you....Mommy got the hint and went out and got me that toy that I liked at Cousin Garyson's house!!!!
This is the a little then chill out on Mommy with a cool bottle of water...
Auntie Lauren came over to get Mommy to go to the nail place...this is how she says
"Here Pacee Pac..."
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fun Times with Cousin Garyson
We stayed with Auntie Talia and Cousin Garyson as usual. And it was cool...Cousin Garyson is walking and I liked watching him. I am now determined to walk more than ever!!!! We had lots of fun, Cousin Garyson has lots of cool toys all over the house. And books too. I have books in my room but they don't talk like the ones Cousin Garyson has.
We played a lot with this cool toy Cousin Garyson is a Laugh and Groove table by Leap Frog. Cousin Garyson showed me how to play on it.
Then I got the hang of it myself and I loved this thing. Once again I hope Mommy took note so she can get me one when we get home!!!
Then Cousin Garyson was showing me how to read a book. Mommy and Daddy read to me but he was speaking my kind of language.
Then it was bath time. Auntie Talia had been giving me and Cousin Garyson baths together since we got in town but Mommy always misses it. But this time she was there to see how much fun we have. I noticed a few things that were different from when Daddy gives me a bath. First Cousin Garyson has bath toys!!!! AND he gets to sit in lots of water...I hope Mommy took note at how much fun I was having so she could tell Daddy.
"Man look at all these TOYS!!!! Mine, Mine, All Mine!!!"
"Garyson you should try chewing on these things...they feel good on the gums..."
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Flight to Minnesota
Mommy and I just got to Minnesota for a week long trip. We ended up going 3 days earlier because Mommy's cousin passed away and she wanted to go to the funeral. The plane ride was was the first time that we had to change planes on the way up there and I didnt like that!!! And boy did I let Mommy know. Mommy was glad that the first plane was almost empty so I didnt disturb all of the people. The second plane ride was better (and completely full)...I slept the whole way.
(I was playing in the Memphis Airport while we waited for the second flight)
While I was playing on the first flight I figured out how to put my seat belt on...ain't I smart!!!! Watch me as I figure it out...
hmmm...what is this I see...
So here is one piece...what does this fit into....
Ahhh haaa....this is pretty cool....
We got to Minnesota safe and sound. Auntie Talia and Garyson were there to pick us up. We have a fun filled week ahead of us!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Aiden in Walker
Aiden always has his left hand up when he walks in his walker.
(don't know if it's for balance? momentum?)
(don't know if it's for balance? momentum?)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
This week I was super sick. I had a fever all high as 102.8 so Mommy and Daddy were really freaking out trying to figure out what was wrong with me. After 2 days of a high fever the Parents took me to see Dr. Doyles-Little (my Pediatrician). She looked me over and then sent me to get my blood drawn. mommy stayed in the lobby while Daddy took me back for the blood test. I think she thought I was going to cry. But I was a big boy, didn't shed a tear. I even put my arm out for them to insert the needle!!!
The Doctor said that I had a virus, and that it was probaby Roseola because that is what was going around. She said that my fever would go away in the next 36 hours...which it did...and then I would get a pink rash...which I kinda did. Mommy was afraid that we would have to post pone our trip to Minnesota but the Doctor said I would be fine. And see....I am!!!
What's up next...going to Minnesota with Mommy for Granna's Mom's 80th Birthday Party. I am excited cuz I get to see Granddad, Uncle Raaj, Auntie Talia and Cousin Garyson!!!!
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