So I know that I am a little late with this Christmas post but my parents have been running me ragged!!! Mommy woke me up on Christmas morning (to put me in some silly first Christmas pj's...mommy had on these silly pants that I thought were funny) and at first I was not too happy about it. Then we went downstairs and that is when the party began. There were a bunch of colorful boxes under that thing that lights up at night. I was more interested in eating the paper than what was actually in the boxes but I got a bunch of stuff.
(This is me when we first came downstairs...I am wondering what the heck is going on that I had to be woken out of my sleep!!!)
(This is me telling Mommy, "Okay I understand that I am kissable and everything but you are going to have to cut back because you are embarrassing me!!! Or at least just wait until Daddy is not taking pictures...I have an image to uphold.")
Santa (that is who I am assuming that bearded guy in the First Christmas picture is) brought me LOTS of toys and LOTS of clothes. I guess I will be keeping my title of the freshest baby alive (dubbed by Auntie Tonya and Uncle Jonathan). Mommy got a present that she was so happy about that she started kissing the box!!! She later explained that it was to make food for me...whatever.
We then packed up and went to
Granna's house...where there was food and MORE boxes under that lit up thing. Uncle
Raaj was all about the boxes...he wanted to open
every one's. I got some good stuff there too...and once again Mommy got that same gift that she opened at our house. I guess she is going to be making LOTS of food for me so she needs two...I don't know.
I tried to get a nap in here and there, but of course that was unsuccessful. But Pop-Pop (
Granna's friend) was taking good care of me so I fell asleep for a little while on him. Mommy tried to feed me some of that weird food, and I was not having it so I got what I like...a room temp bottle...yummy!!! Mommy and Daddy ate, then once again they packed me up and off to
GrandPaul's house we went. Now I am too tired for words, but I must put a smile on for the next stop. As soon as we walked in
GrandPaul snatched me up and I was off...it was a while before I got back to Mommy, but as soon as I did I was out. Next thing I know we are back at home and Daddy is putting my
jammies on.
The next day Mommy and Daddy got up early and threw me into my car seat for a little ride. I am starting not to like this car seat thing. I mean can't I just chill at home anymore? Then when we got back I tried to take a little nap...that didn't last too long. Finally we packed everything into Daddy's car and went for a long ride. It was the best sleep I have gotten in DAYS!!! I woke up and we are at
Lubby and Bob-Bob's house in Tennessee. I remember this place from Halloween when mommy put me in that ridiculous (you like that big word huh) orange outfit. I also remember how much fun I had. Mommy and Daddy will do a couple photo posts as soon as they can get around to it...I kinda feel bad for Mommy, she looks so tired. So we took a nice long nap today.
What's up next you ask...big party for me tomorrow at
Lubby and Bob-Bobs house so I gotta get lots of sleep tonight and tomorrow morning before everyone gets here. Then Monday we go back home. So check back in a few days for more pictures!!!!