Friday, December 19, 2008

Word Play!!

Aiden is 16 weeks old today and we (Mommy and Daddy) are convinced that he has spoken his first two words. I, Mommy, make sure to talk to him like he understands what I am saying all the time. Even in the grocery store...I know that people think that I am either crazy, talking to myself, or probably both.

So back to Aiden...we are convinced that he can say Hi and Momma. He has said Hi a few times...I heard it first and thought that I was hearing things....then Paul heard him say it too!!!!! It was so cute and he had the biggest smile on his face when he said it. And the only time I have heard him say Momma is when he is crying...then Paul heard it too....validation is a wonderful thing!!!!

Needless to say I am ecstatic that Momma was one of his first words!!!! We will be posting pictures from Daddy's birthday dinner that will be tomorrow night and plenty from the holidays very soon!!!!


pd3 said...

Those are NOT officially his first words....He's just making sounds that happen to be words...Until I say 'hi' and he says 'hi' back to me it's not official.

And yes he says Ma Ma when he's crying as loud as he can...but that's just a sound he makes when he's screaming and trying to catch his breath. It's unintentional.

Slow your roll shawty.

Anonymous said...

Denial will get you no where!!!! Your just mad that he doesn't call for Dada when he is feeling blue. And it will be a while before he will speak on demand...that does not officiate his first words. It is called first words not first conversations!!!!

pd3 said...

Why would I be mad he doesn't scream my name in anger when he's upset?? ha ha

Until he intentionally says a word it's not official.

Anonymous said...

Funny that earlier today you said those were his first words but now that it is a blog post they are no longer words. Keep drinking that HATERade!!!!

And he was screaming momma when you were holding him...and was soothed when momma took over. Take note buddy!!!!!! lmao

Anonymous said...

Dearest Son,

Why do you have such a hold on my grandson's private parts? The jewels are safe - now back the hell off!!!

Love, Your Mother

Anonymous said...

Tell him Lubby!!!!!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

HAHA...Lubby's the greatest! And sorry, but I'm gonna need video footage of this one! Kenna said hi at 7 months, so it's possible...she still won't say mama, although she picked up my boots this morning and said 'boot' quite proud!