I liked Granna watching me because she let me stay up past bedtime, but I kinda had an up past my bedtime meltdown around 9:30pm...she didn't know that was going to happen even though Mommy told her that I needed to be sleep by 8:30pm. She did great calming me down though. I started going to sleep in her arms and the next thing I knew I was going into my nursery. I mean, I have never slept in there before so I thought that she was just going to rock me in that chair like Mommy and Daddy do. But she put me down in that bed that is in there....and man was it comfy!!! I fell right to sleep.
When I woke up for my midnight feeding it was Mommy standing over me!!! I was so excited

So all in all it was a good first night without Mommy or Daddy. I am sure that there will be more nights like that, but I have a strange feeling that they will be few and far between!!
Oh and today is Daddy's Birthday...Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!! (more pictures to come)
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