Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Beaba BabyCook!!!!

As Aiden mentioned in the previous post I got 2 (I will take one back to get his convertible car seat) Beaba BabyCook baby food cookers. I have been coveting this thing since I was pregnant!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Williams-Sonoma and saw it in the store when I was there to get something else.

This thing steams, purees, and defrosts food!!!!
Does it get any better??!! I even got a cook book that has all kinds of great food that I can cook for Aiden. I am so excited that I don't know what to do with myself. Now all I have to do is order some food storage thinggys for the freezer.

Aiden has been getting cereal for about a week now and he was not liking to too much at first because I am sure it was nasty to him. So I decided to add a little banana with it...he didn't like that too much either. So while we were in Tennessee I decided to put some cereal in his bottle so he can get use to the taste...he liked it then. Maybe he was just being lazy and not wanting to swallow...prefering the easy way (he gets that from his Daddy...lol). And for the record...the pediatrician said that he would sleep longer once he started getting cereal and that is a LIE!!! He still wakes up for a middle of the night feeding...my baby is greedy!!!

I was going to give him carrots or apples in TN, but I was in Murfreesboro and could not get ANY organic fruits or veggies so Aiden had to wait until we got home. So today I went to Sevenada (a local co-op) and got him both some carrots and apples. He got carrots tonight and he LOVED them (and I very much enjoyed cooking and pureeing them in my Beaba). He didn't eat all of it but he ate a lot so I was happy. So he will get carrots for the rest of the week and we will do apples starting this weekend!!!

I will do a post about the trip to TN once Daddy finishes editing all of the pictures. Until then have a great evening!!!

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