Today was Godfather Uncle Travis' (who we will call GUT) girlfriend Lauren's birthday, so I got to go to dinner with everyone!!! I like staying up past bedtime but once it gets too far past and I don't get to go to sleep I tend to have a melt down. But more on that later. It was fun hanging out with the big people. There was this cold round thing that I was determined to put in my mouth. It felt good on my gums...which by the way are very sore...I hope that these darn teeth pop through any day now. I did finally get to go to sleep at about 11pm!!! But boy did I have fun until I did. (Mommy was the MAMArazzi because Daddy forgot his camera...can you BELIEVE that???!!!)
This is Daddy's attempt at putting me to sleep...I wanted to PLAY!!!
Happy Birthday!!!! (Yes that is Aunt Stick in the top corner)
What is up next you ask? Super Bowl is Sunday so Granna, Pop-Pop, GUT and Lauren are coming over to watch some Football!!! Then Mommy is going out of town for one night next I guess I will be staying with Daddy all by myself (this should be interesting...he he he). THEN Valentine's Day weekend Lubby is coming to see me!!! YAY!!!! Mommy and I went and did something special for Daddy, my grandparents, great grandparents, godparents and aunties...but they wont find out what it is for a week or so...but they should be VERY excited!!!! So until next time....