(Aiden is like what the hey...I never have this much stuff on!!!!)
Aiden and I (Mommy) just got back from out trip to Minnesota last night. Aiden did fabulously on his first plane ride. He slept most of the time but woke up at the end. He was quite fa

scinated with looking out of the window. The landing took him by surprise but all in all he did great on the flight. As soon as we walked off the plane I realized how darn cold it is in Minnesota in the winter. And Aiden was taken by surprise...it was funny.
We had a great time seeing my brother, cousins, my Godfather Keith, and of course Auntie Talia and Garyson!!!! On Friday afternoon we took the boys to take pictures together since they will grow up as best friends as we did. they turned out FABULOUSLY. At first we were not going to be in the pictures with them but of course we ended up doing so, and boy we were glad that we did because we both got some great pictures

with our little men!!! You can see the pictures by going to
www.flashportraits.com. At the top right click on "My Portraits"...the last name is Trent (natalia trent) and the password is love. Grandparents and God Parents be on the look out for a special treat in the mail this week.
We had fun with cutie Garyson...he has 4 teeth!!! And they are so darn cute when he smiles and you can see them.
(Right after bath time...how adorable!!!)
(On our way to My Godfathers house for dinner...look at the snow on the porch!!!)So in addition to Aidens first plane ride and first trip to Minnesota, on Saturday he came down with his first sickness...a stomach flu. UGH!!!!! He had fluid coming out both ends!!! He was sleeping a lot and spitting up anything that we put in his system...oh and he didn't like the pedialyte at first. He is feeling a little better now but now has a cough and still not taking milk without spitting it up. Poor baby. We took him to the doctor today but they didn't tell us anything that I was not doing already but better safe than sorry. But what they DID tell us is that Aiden weighs 17lbs 6 oz!!! What the heck...and I am sure that he has lost some weight!!!
So we wont be taking him out of the house for a couple days so he can get better. I just hope that I don't get sick because Mommy cant afford to do that. What is up next you ask...lol...we are going to my Soror Teia's baby shower this weekend...it should be fun.
Here is a picture of Aiden when we were waiting to board the plane to Minnesota. He was in great spirits and was a very good boy on the plane...everyone was very impressed.

How cute is he!!!!
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