This is Mommy speaking and Aiden is WAY to big to be a week shy of 5 months!!! Over the holidays Lubby bought Aiden a couple zip up jammies (my favorites) in 12 month size. I bought him 6-9 month jammies a week before Christmas and he is ALREADY too long and his feet are too big for them!!! So I decided today to let him wear the jammies that Lubby bought him...needless to say they fit him perfectly!!! I can't take it!!!
I also bought his convertible car seat today because his is just about too long for his infant car seat that should have lasted to 12 months!!! I wish I knew that Aiden was going to be a giant...I could have used the money spent on the infant car seat somewhere else. The convertible seat I got is the Radian goes up to 65lbs and is the only seat that is both FAA approved and has a steel frame. So hopefully this one will last a little longer.
I am also happy to report that Aiden loves Mommy's home made applesauce...and kinda likes carrots. He likes the carrots better when mixed with applesauce. He also has experienced bananas and brown rice cereal...not to keen to either but will accept the cereal in bottle form. Aiden's pediatrician got my hopes up buy telling me that when he gets cereal at night he should sleep through the that would not be the case. Even if Aiden gets 6oz of cereal milk he still wakes up 4 hours later to eat again!!!! One day Mommy will get a full nights rest again...just not a day in the foreseeable future.
Aiden is feeling much better...he got over his stomach bug this past weekend and I never thought I would be so happy to see solid poop. Oh the life of a very glamorous!!!
What is up next you ask? Nothing and Daddy are going on a date Saturday and Granna is coming over to babysit. But other than that this week is pretty
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