Thursday, January 29, 2009

5 Months


Today marks your 5th month in this world and now that you are here I don't know what my life was like without you. Even though Mommy is not a morning person, having you wake me up with that gorgeous smile on your face makes the sleep deprivation all worth while. And when you wake up at 5am to get your diaper changed and you smile and want to play with Mommy, I don't mind that I only have one eye open. I can not put a value on how I feel when I walk into the room and you smile so big because you recognize that it is your Mommy...and now you even reach out for me!!!! I just can't put into words how that makes me feel.

You are such a big boy to be 5 months old. Today you showed Mommy how you can finally sit upright all by yourself. I thought that I was going to cry!!!! And now that you have mastered rolling over we can't keep just roll and roll and roll. The good part is now you don't hate to be on your tummy as much, so I hope that means that you will crawl soon.

I do enjoy very much your determination and focus. Once you set your mind on doing something, you go at it until you have done is so brilliant to watch. But, I am afraid that you are growing up too fast. I was looking through the oodles of clothes that you have grown out of and put side by side your first pair of jeans to the ones you wear today...WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! It breaks my heart to know that soon you won't want to lay on Mommy or enjoy all of my silly faces or not want me to give you all the kisses that I smother you with...because you will be a big boy. But Aiden my love, you will always be Mommy's baby.

I love you as deep as the sea and high as the sky,


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